Select a tuition plan to match your individual needs.
No matter which tutoring plan you choose, each student has their own personal tutor,
allowing them to feel comfortable to ask their tutor questions they are too afraid to ask in class.
For self-motivated students who take charge of their own learning.
One student per tutor.
Student guides the tutorial.
Home tuition available.
Library or Online
$70 per hour, $630 for 10 hours
Home in Christchurch
$85 per hour, $765 for 10 hours
Home in outer Christchurch areas
$90 per hour, $810 for 10 hours
* Pricing is for tutorials on a weekly basis.
There is an additional $20 charge per tutorial when on a casual basis.
For students who lack motivation and need guidance with their studies.
One student per tutor.
Tutor guides the tutorial.
Weekly homework plan.
Comprehensive Progress Report every 10 tutorials.
Home tuition available.
Library or Online
$80 per hour, $720 for 10 hours
Home in Christchurch
$95 per hour, $855 for 10 hours
Home in outer Christchurch areas
$100 per hour, $900 for 10 hours
* Pricing is for tutorials on a weekly basis.
There is an additional $20 charge per tutorial when on a casual basis.
Select a tuition plan to match your individual needs.
Our group tuition has no more than three students per tutor.
Students need to have a sibling or friend they would like to have tuition with before choosing either of these plans.
For self-motivated students wanting personalised tuition in pairs.
Students need to have a sibling or friend they would like to have tuition with before choosing this plan.
Two students per tutor.
Students guide the tutorial.
Home tuition available.
Library or Online
$50 per hour per student, $450 for 10 hours
Home in Christchurch
$57.50 per hour per student, $517.50 for 10 hours
Home in outer Christchurch areas
$60 per hour per student, $540 for 10 hours
* Pricing is for tutorials on a weekly basis.
There is an additional $20 charge per tutorial (shared between students) when on a casual basis.
For self-motivated students who would like tuition in a small group.
Students need to have two siblings or friends they would like to have tuition with before choosing this plan.
Students guide the tutorial.
Home tuition available.
Library or Online
$40 per hour per student, $360 for 10 hours
Home in Christchurch
$47.50 per hour per student, $427.50 for 10 hours
Home in outer Christchurch areas
$50 per hour per student, $450 for 10 hours
* Pricing is for tutorials on a weekly basis.
There is an additional $20 charge per tutorial (shared between students) when on a casual basis.