What students have to say about tutoring from AHeadStart.
“Thank you so much for all the help you have given me with bio and stats this year. I’ve enjoyed the funny yet shockingly bad jokes and thank you for putting up with my countless blonde moments. I look forward to seeing you next year.”
Anna, November 2015
Year 12, Level 2 Biology & Mathematics
“Hello Melanie. I just want to thank you for the excellent tutorials you provide.”
Ariam, July 2014
Year 13, Biology, Chemistry, Physics & Statistics
“I've been a student of AHeadStart for the past 4 years. During this time, I have seen a great improvement in my grades as well as my fundamental knowledge in the subjects that I studied. I would definitely recommend AHeadStart as a tuition option, as the tutors are great and there are many resources and workshops available to students.”
Ellen, January 2014
Year 13, Level 3 Biology, Calculus, Chemistry, Physics, Statistics
"Hi Melanie
I wanted to say a special thank you to you and Antonio for helping Sarah out this past year and giving her the confidence to continue with French. When we found you, she was struggling with motivation and almost ready to give up on trying to navigate her new world of correspondence learning.
But her results show she has done really well on her assignments. Of the three who started the year, she is the only remaining student sitting the Level 2 French exams at her high school today. I am so proud of her for sticking with it.
Sarah has opted to continue to Level 3, so if there is a French tutor available, we will probably be contacting you again next year.
I hope you have a good summer break.
Sarah's mother Lisa, November 2024
Year 12, French
Thank you for the help over the past few years. [It] made things a lot easier."
Alex, December 2008
Year 13, Level 3 Biology & Statistics
"I received my results for maths and have achieved all and also got two merits (in arithmetic and geometric sequences and non-linear graphs) :) I would like to take lessons again this year. "
Donia Hend, January 2008
Year 12, Level 2 Mathematics
“Thank you so much for teaching me this year. I have especially really appreciated you giving up your time in the last week to fit in the extra lessons. It has really helped to have someone guide me through NCEA 2. I’m looking forward to Calculus and Chemistry next year. Thank you again.”
Emma, November 2012
Year 12, Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics & Physics
“Tuition with AHeadStart helped me in so many ways especially in the areas I knew I needed help in. Coming from being home schooled to doing NCEA Level 1 and Level 2 was a whole new experience for me. I had never sat major exams before or any internals. When I started I discovered I was quite behind so we started to look into tutoring lessons. Not only did Melanie help us through every stage, she allowed me to choose tutors that I felt comfortable with. My first year of tutoring was amazing, the tutors were so helpful and gave me the skills I needed for English and Mathematics (internals and externals).”
Mikayla, January 2016
Year 12, English & Mathematics
"We have nothing but the highest praise for Hannah. She is an excellent teacher and Monny really likes her very much.
I have to say, I was a bit nervous signing up to have students for tutors. I just wasn't sure they would have the skills/ maturity to manage someone not much younger than them and our previous experience with tutors has been with ex-teachers. I couldn't have been more wrong!!!. We are delighted with both Hannah and John. Monny really likes the fact that they are close to her own age as she feels she can relate to them."
Monica’s mother Karen, October 2012
Year 12, Level 2 Chemistry & Mathematics
"The feedback which I have received from my student has been extremely positive. He had Jason as a Maths Teacher, and I know that the one on one tution made all the difference to the confidence of my student. I would definitely recommend the agency they are easy to contact and very helpful. He will be using the services of your agency again in 2010. I am the guardian of this young man, and I know that from his comments he is extremely satisfied."
Paht’s guardian Margaret, December 2009
Year 12 Mathematics
"My exams went surprisingly well. I passed everything and got a merit in waves and algebra. Thanks so much for your help."
Rachael Peri, December 2008
Year 12, Level 2 Chemistry, Mathematics & Physics
“Just finished [the Chemistry exam]. Feeling pretty confident. Was able to answer all the questions well. Evens “solids” ones. Couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you very much. Nick.”
Nick, November 2016
Year 12, Chemistry
"Melanie has a very approachable attitude towards me which makes it easy to learn."
Amuri, December 2009
Year 11, Level 1 Chemistry & Physics
“Hi Mel, just got my results. I got merit for two papers which I was really surprised about and achieved for human evolution! Honestly thought bio would be the subject that wouldn't let me get UE. But thank you so so much for your support this year and last year it has helped (obviously) very very very much!”
Isabel, January 2017
Year 13, Biology
"Having the tuition mainly in physics allowed me to gain a much deeper and clearer understanding of the subject. Having Mel helping me through papers and questions enabled me to gain more confidence and feel prepared going into the exam."
Emily Farquhar, December 2009
Year 13, Level 3 Physics
“I had my Chemistry exam yesterday and my Statistics exam today. I was surprised that I wasn't worried about the chem one, but I was a bit for the stats one. They both went better than expected. I was especially proud of my knowledge of aqueous solutions, and even helped some people out before the exam. I wanted to thank you because I have improved not only in my knowledge but in my study habits!”
Alex, November 2013
Year 13, Chemistry & Statistics
“Hi Melanie
Harry said the tutorial with Hayden was really really good. He said Hayden is was clear and kept moving (didn't waste time on stuff Harry knew) but made sure he understood before moving on.
Thanks so much Melanie - I felt the stress draining away after Harry told me the above about Hayden. It makes such a huge difference when I can be confident Harry has such great help to pass his exams. I am so impressed with how you run AHeadStart, so organised and on to it. I hope you are getting lots of students - I certainly have told quite a few people now.
Thanks and kind regards
Harry’s mother Judith, May 2016
Year 12, Chemistry & Physics
“I couldn't speak more highly of AHeadStart and my tutors, they were so friendly, so helpful and they both truly wanted me to succeed in English and Mathematics by continually giving me every opportunity to improve and prepare. Even in English when I first started tutoring in Level 1 - I went from getting 'achieved' in internals to suddenly getting 'Excellences' for the rest of the year and for Level 2 I received all Excellences for all of my internals and passed all of my exams.”
Mikayla, January 2016
Year 12, English & Mathematics
"I have seen my results online and all I can tell you is that Chemistry and Calculus were the best results I had of all!! And that was my mum and dad said too..."
Donia Hend, January 2009
Year 13, Level 2 Chemistry & Calculus
“I wanted to ensure that I would pass the MCAT with at least a Merit, and I passed with excellence! Max explained things better than my teacher at school- in a different way, which helped me, and having 1-1 help was great for me.
Without the tutoring from Max, I don't think I would have achieved as well as I did.”
Lauren, January 2014
Year 11, Level 1 Mathematics
"I passed all my maths and science papers with achieveds and merits."
Kieran, January 2009
Year 11, Level 1 Mathematics & Science
"The tutors are doing a great job with helping students to learn new study techniques."
Neil Viegas, December 2009
Year 11, Level 2 Mathematics
"No doubt Saphron's ability to comprehend and understand Maths has led to a huge improvement in her School work. She has worked hard in class and both her confidence and understanding have now seen her work improve from a slightly below level student to her now becoming in the top 3% in her class, with a recommendation from her Teacher that she be moved forward going into next year. Maths Speed tests were also a mind block, but these are now completed quickly and accurately. Saphron's report is not due until next week but indications are that Teachers have been very impressed with her progression. We owe a lot of Saphron's improvements to Melanie with her programme certainly having a very positive effect on our child's learning."
Saphron’s father Mark, December 2008
Year 7, Mathematics
"I found the high level of knowledge from my tutor, and the use of past ncea examinations from my chosen subject, increased my ability to answer previously difficult questions in my chosen subject with ease."
Jackson, December 2009
Year 11, Level 1 Physical Science
“We have been very happy with how it all went. Sarah was very patient and related really well with Nicole. She went into NCEA exams quite confident which is something I didn't think I would see. Previous to the meeting Sarah she would stress out at thoughts of any test.
She has managed over 80 credits already without even relying on credits from her external exams and is really proud of herself. I know Sarah thought there was always so much to get through in a session and felt rushed but she did a great job and we really appreciated her help.
I have recommended your business to a couple of friends with students heading into exams next year and will be in contact."
Nicole’s mother Alison, November 2013
Year 11 English, Mathematics & Science
Contact Melanie at AHeadStart for your free consultation and take the first step.
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