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Parent Feedback

What parents have to say about tutoring from AHeadStart.


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"Nick has thoroughly enjoyed his tutor Daniel and learnt plenty. It was well worth the time and effort. Please pass onto Daniel our gratitude. Thanks for your services."

Nick’s mother Anthea, November 2014
Year 13, Physics

“Ben has been really pleased with his tutor, who he has made a connection with, which has made it easier for him to learn. Thank you very much. It is great to see his spirits lifted after a tough school year.”

Ben’s mother Kerry, November 2015
Year 11, English & Media Studies

"Thanks very much for your support in finding a tutor for Rebecca. Rebecca is off to study Law and International Relations in Wellington next year and she is fortunate to have been granted a $10,000 excellence scholarship to attend. The success of which is in part due to the tutoring assistance she has received.

We have really appreciated the friendly yet professional way you run your business and Rebecca has found both her tutors to be very good. We were introduced to AHeadStart through word of mouth and wouldn’t hesitate to recommend AHeadStart to others."

Rebecca’s mother Noreen, November 2012
Year 13, Level 3 Calculus

"Thanks once again. Tom found the tutorials from Daniel very helpful. Tom was very impressed with Daniel. He says he was really engaging. Just a fantastic teacher. Wow, really high praise from my son. I think you run a great business.”

Tom’s mother Leanne, December 2014
Year 13, Chemistry & Economics

"Many thanks for the Molly’s input with Charlotte over these last few months. The tutoring has really made a different. I have certainly been telling colleagues about your service."

Charlotte’s mother Catherine, December 2013
Year 13 Calculus & Physics

“Liyana love[s] working with Amelia. Amelia helps my daughter to understand better what she need to know. We appreciate it.”

Liyana’s father Hasan, November 2015
Year 11, Science

"My son did not achieve in the first school topic test for physical science. After getting tuition from Melanie all his other topic tests were Merits and Excellences and his end of the year test for Year 11 was Merits and Excellences. Thank you very much Melanie. "

Supun’s father Rohana, December 2009
Year 11, Level 1 Chemistry & Physics

“Thanks to you and Sean for the very comprehensive report- we are so pleased with his progress.  George really likes Sean and responds well to his style of teaching.

George said to me yesterday that he now enjoys maths which is great and a big change from before beginning Sean's tutorials.”

George’s mother Justine, July 2015
Year 7, Mathematics

“Hi Melanie,

We could not be happier with the service you and Hayden have provided for both Ella and Jacob.

I have, and will continue, to highly recommend your service to others.

We wish you and yours, a safe, happy and restful holiday season!

Kind regards, Adele”

Ella’s and Jacob’s mother Adele, December 2016
Year 12 & Year 13, Mathematics & Physics

"Hi Melanie. Taylor got all of her biology credits (23) and has been accepted into Otago polytech for the bachelor of nursing :-)"

Taylor’s mother Yvonne, January 2014
Year 13, Biology

"John was very easy for her to understand and discuss problems with. Always prompt and loved the fact he came to our house."

Hannah’s mother Irene, December 2009
Year 12, Level 2 Physics

“Charlie said it went really well & Josh was great - cool in fact!  He believes Josh has made a difference already! Thanks heaps.”

Charlie’s mother Jane, August 2015
Year 11, Mathematics

“The day I spoke to Melanie and set up tutoring for my daughter for Maths and English was the best decision we had made. Even though going through a tutoring service costs, it truly was worth every cent we paid.

We saw our daughter go from struggling and frustrated to confidently understanding what she was doing which in return achieved her passing Level 1 and Level 2 with absolute ease. Not only did she pass with more than enough credits she passed English both years with a Merit Endorsement.

Our aim was for our daughter to pass and achieve marks that she would be proud of and with the help of the amazing tutors that she had she accomplished all that she wanted to. Thank you AHeadStart for all of the services you offer, I would highly recommend this service to anyone!!”

Mikayla’s mother Leeann, January 2016
Year 12, English & Mathematics

“Thanks Melanie. Kate is far more comfortable with Statistics after these sessions. I'm not going to think too much about that after years of private schooling! Thank you for your assistance Melanie, I am very pleased to have been able to call on you and your team of tutors.”

Kate’s mother Marie, November 2015
Year 13, Statistics

“Leading up to the MCAT exam, Megan was still really confused and school was not offering anything in the way of tutorials. After 2 sessions with AHeadStart Megan felt she had enough understanding to pass the exam, and she actually achieved merit.”

Megan’s mother Donna, January 2014
Year 11, Level 1 Mathematics

“Hi Melanie,

Thank you so much for sorting us out with such a great tutor. Mitchell is feeling very confident and I know he really rated Jeremy as a tutor - so please pass on our thanks to him.

Kind regards, Amanda Campbell”

Mitchell’s mother Amanda, November 2016
Year 12 Physics

"Rachel became more and more confident after each lesson. The one-on-one tutoring helped her to build on the knowledge she had (or didn't have) and apply that to the exam questions."

Rachel’s mother Elizabeth, December 2009
Year 13, Level 3 Chemistry, Physics & Statistics

"Mel is a very knowledgeable tutor and has a gentle approach to passing this knowledge on to the student. A lot of thought goes into the lesson plans taking into account the students individual ways of learning. I have always verbalised what I would like to see achieved and feel able to discuss Callum's needs as far as I see. Mel is always happy to tweak her lessons plans and try new ways to help achieve results. The tutoring has been very worthwhile."

Callum’s parents Sandra & Ian Young, December 2008
Year 11, Level 1 Science

"Hi Chloe just thought I’d let you know Charlotte got 90% in her maths exam - top in the class! Thank you for all your help."

Charlotte’s mother Mel, November 2012
Year 9, English & Mathematics

"I believe that Alice's time with AHeadStart Tuition gave her a greater understanding of Physics than she was ever able to achieve at school. The one on one approach seems to really work, and Alice actually enjoyed completing the homework set for her. I'm hoping that this once a week session will mean that she has achieved all of her Year 12 Physics papers, which she was unable to do when studying the subject full time at school last year."

Alice’s mother Judy, December 2009
Year 13, Level 2 Physics

“Lauren's tuition prepared her for the MCAT and her end-of-year maths exam. Her major objective was to gain at least a merit pass in the MCAT, so that she could go on to take the 201 maths course in year 12. In her mock exam, she had not reached the standard for a merit. In her final exams, Lauren achieved an EXCELLENCE in the MCAT and Merits in her other 3 papers.”

Lauren’s mother Anita, January 2014
Year 11, Level 1 Mathematics

“I would just like to pass on thanks to Mo for the great Job he did with Adam in such a short time! He went from NA in mocks for Chemistry and Physics to passing both with Merit.

Will definitely be back and will recommend him to others.”

Adam’s mother Jayne, January 2015
Year 11, Chemistry & Physics

“The tutoring is going extremely well and Sean has been very patient with Joshua and we have noticed a change in his attitude toward learning and reading.”

Joshua’s mother Heather, December 2016
Year 5, Reading & Writing

"Melanie was great in squeezing Danielle in for just a couple of revision lessons at the end of the school year and after school internal exams. However just the confidence she achieved was brilliant on its own. Thank you Melanie."

Danielle’s mother Lisa, December 2009
Year 12, Level 2 Physics

“The workshops have been great for William- let's see how his results are! I know he's got a lot out of each one - well at least he tells me he has.

Thanks very much to you and your team for what you offer.


William’s mother Michelle, November 2016
Year 13 Calculus & Year 12 Physics