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Parent Feedback

What parents have to say about tutoring from AHeadStart.


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“Sophie passed both calculus and physics and obtained merit in mechanics, which was a topic she struggled with. Thanks for the help! Sophie was very comfortable with Max.”

Sophie’s mother Tracy, January 2016
Year 13, Calculus & Physics

“Dawn said she had a very good experience & Aaron is a very good teacher. She got excellence for her NCEA English & Classics.
​I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for guiding her in her English subject.”

Dawn’s mother Doreen, January 2016
Year 13, English

"The session went really well thanks. Molly said Cameron was great answering her questions and that he communicated really well the answers. She said it was very helpful"

Molly’s mother Pip, September 2014
Year 12, English

“We have been very impressed with the tutorial service you are providing. Anna has been wonderful teacher of Physics.”

Emma’s mother Elizabeth, November 2015
Year 13, Physics

“Thanks Melanie. Kate is far more comfortable with Statistics after these sessions. I'm not going to think too much about that after years of private schooling! Thank you for your assistance Melanie, I am very pleased to have been able to call on you and your team of tutors.”

Kate’s mother Marie, November 2015
Year 13, Statistics

“AHeadStart definitely provides a more professional and comprehensive service [than other tuition].”

Emmerson’s mother Tracey, January 2016
Year 13, Biology & Chemistry

“Hayden has been amazing. Morgan is a much more confident boy with his studies :)”

Morgan’s mother Joyce, October 2016
Year 11, Mathematics & Science

“Josh did enjoy and found the tutorials very helpful from Blake, Max and Hugh.  Next year he will decide which scholarship subjects to take.  He will be wanting assistance with tutorials in 2016 and I will get in touch with you with his requirements as soon as I can.”

Josh’s mother Cate, December 2015
Year 12, Level 2 Accounting, Economics, English & Mathematics

“We have been very happy with how it all went. Sarah was very patient and related really well with Nicole. She went into NCEA exams quite confident which is something I didn't think I would see. Previous to the meeting Sarah she would stress out at thoughts of any test.

She has managed over 80 credits already without even relying on credits from her external exams and is really proud of herself. I know Sarah thought there was always so much to get through in a session and felt rushed but she did a great job and we really appreciated her help.

I have recommended your business to a couple of friends with students heading into exams next year and will be in contact."

Nicole’s mother Alison, November 2013
Year 11 English, Mathematics & Science

"Just thought I would let you and Daniel know, Daniel passed NCEA he got a total of 124 credits out of 124.

He was flunking Algebra at the beginning of the year, Daniel helped him in Algebra and Daniel got a Merit in NCEA!

Some of the sciences Daniel was weak in and he passed all of them with some Merits. The most important Physics with merit which is the science he is doing next year.

As I said the tutoring he had with Daniel made a huge difference and encouraged our Daniel to try and do better."

Daniel’s mother Kerrie, January 2012
Year 11, Level 1 Mathematics & Science

"Not only has my Max found your Max very helpful with his maths learning, but he has also enjoyed his company, taken a tutorial at the University and been inspired to follow in Max’s footsteps and aim to do a degree in Computer Science! A direction was what Max needed most of all so now he has a reason to try to do well in his exams."

Max’s mother Caroline, October 2014
Year 12, Mathematics

“Michelle has been a fantastic tutor over the past 2 years. Thank you so very much for your wonderful service. I will highly recommend your company to anyone I come across that is looking for tutoring.”

Olivia’s mother Allison, May 2015
Year 11, Mathematics

"Just wanted to thank you again for the tuition from Max.

Alex passed his algebra test with merit and achieved everything else. Alex resulted in 111 credits and merit endorsement. A great relief and nice surprise.

Please pass this on to Max with our thanks and appreciation."

Alex’s mother Sandra, January 2014
Year 11, Mathematics & Science

“My daughter, Emerson, decided that she needed to pick up specific Sciences in Year 13 having only studied General Sciences up to Yr 12. To achieve to an excellent standard in L3 Chemistry she felt tuition would be valuable. We approached AHeadStart, who provided Emerson with Jackson. He was an amazing tutor who worked with Emerson throughout 2015 to an excellent standard. We were thrilled. Needless to say we had a fantastic experience with AHeadStart.”

Emmerson’s mother Tracey, January 2016
Year 13, Biology & Chemistry

"Just want to let you know Jed really enjoyed his tutorials with Max and believes they have made a real difference to his exam efforts, particularly in re-igniting belief in his science ability!
His motivation and attitude has improved and we are hopeful this will carry through into Yr 12.
Please pass our thanks onto Max and am sure we will be in touch next year."

Jed’s mother Lesley, November 2014
Year 11, Science

“Sarah started the course late. However, since starting she has a more positive outlook and understanding of the subject maths.

Her test results at school were pleasing and it was great to see achieves, merits and excellence right across the board. Even though maths was only achieved in terms of marks Sarah is now more confident in knowing she will pass NCEA in 2016.”

Sarah’s mother Linda, January 2016
Year 10, Mathematics

“Tom is loving his tuition, Sean is great and Tom has said he has learnt more in the last two weeks than all of last term!”

Tom’s mother Jo, April 2015
Year 9, Mathematics & Science

“Josh said the time with Jacob was good and that in his next maths class he had he was able to understand it better. So we are both happy �� thank you. Lynne”

Josh’s mother Lynne, March 2016
Year 11, Mathematics


“By the way, feedback from Eveane is that these sessions are awesome. Even after only the first one things were making more sense to her and she has said they've helped hugely. Connor is very good and very patient with her. I only wish I had gotten onto these sooner!

Thanks so much, Suz.”

Eveane’s mother Suzanne, June 2016
Year 12, Chemistry

“Just wanted to let you know how much we have appreciated having Max as Hunter's tutor. He has been flexible and reliable and a great fit for Hunter's learning style. We wish you both well for the future."

Hunter’s mother Julie, December 2015
Year 13, Level 3 Calculus & Chemistry

"Melanie showed Martina and Amy that the results are achievable it’s just a matter of hard work and not being afraid to ask. They have learnt a valuable skill."

Amy & Martina’s father Rob, December 2009
Years 12 &13

"Nick has thoroughly enjoyed his tutor Daniel and learnt plenty. It was well worth the time and effort. Please pass onto Daniel our gratitude. Thanks for your services."

Nick’s mother Anthea, November 2014
Year 13, Physics

“Hi Melanie… Thank you for this report. Excellent feedback from Anna, she is doing just great work with our Sarah, they get along really well. Anna’s ability to motivate Sarah is fabulous!

Best regards Bev”

Sarah’s mother Bev, February 2016
Year 11, Mathematics

“She learned that physics is fun! She learned that it is really easy to understand when she knows the language and has more confidence in her own abilities. Her marks improved markedly and she ended up receiving the Cathedral College Physics Cup for Year 13. Her teacher had always had a lot of confidence in her ability to understand physics, but Edie was almost holding herself back by thinking she wasn't capable.”

Gretchen’s mother Edie, January 2016
Year 13, Physics

"My son did not achieve in the first school topic test for physical science. After getting tuition from Melanie all his other topic tests were Merits and Excellences and his end of the year test for Year 11 was Merits and Excellences. Thank you very much Melanie. "

Supun’s father Rohana, December 2009
Year 11, Level 1 Chemistry & Physics