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Hi! I’m Jack and I’m a third-year engineering student at the University of Canterbury. I tutor Mathematics, Calculus, Physics and Chemistry for AHeadStart. 

I graduated high school in 2022 at Rolleston College, where I enjoyed my Mathematics, Calculus, Physics and Chemistry classes. At high school I achieved Excellence endorsement at NCEA levels 1, 2 and 3, as well as course endorsements in Mathematics and Science. I have also further built on the NCEA material for Mathematics, Calculus, Physics and Chemistry through my engineering courses at UC, which has allowed me to retain the knowledge and content of all these subjects since finishing High School. 

My teaching approach will be to first help students understand foundational knowledge and key concepts to then build on the knowledge and problem-solving techniques allowing students to be fully prepared for their NCEA exams. With a high understanding of NCEA and University level content in my tutoring subjects, I am able to alter my teaching style to match the student and can answer or work through any difficult questions they have. 

Outside of University I love to get involved in social sports with my friends such as flag football, touch rugby and basketball. I also like to go swimming and running as well as going to the gym to stay active as much as I can. When I get the time I also like to start my own projects and create different electronic devices with Arduinos or other MCUs to fix or solve some problems or just for fun. 

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